Thursday, January 12, 2012

Year in Review

I'm finally settling into my room at my parents apartment in Salt Lake City.  Life has been so full these past two weeks that I haven't unpacked until today.  As I did so I came across my green planner that my sister put in my care box she gave to me the morning I moved to Utah.  It was an awful time in my life, and she was so thoughtful to send me off with a box full of things to bring me comfort.  The note on my planner said, "To plan for your new future."  Tonight I picked up the planner and started to thumb through it.  So much has happened this year.

As the end of the year approached, my family and I had been seriously anticipating the close of this most trying year.  We talked and talked about how glad we would be to see this year end and leave us alone.  Then my Dad passed away on December 30th.  While I knew for months that my Dad wouldn't make it to the new year, it was a difficult, yet peaceful day.

I found myself on New Years Eve, eating dinner with my whole family (expect Dad) realizing I didn't feel as happy as I thought I'd be to be seeing the year end.  It meant, I'd never see my Dad for the rest of my mortal life.  It meant I'd probably never see Jeremy again.  It meant the end to so much that I loved, and while I am hopeful for the future, it was a hard realization for me.

I tried hard that night to stop reflecting on the hard things of the year and focus on all the good things that happened... there were so many.  So here's the 2011 RECAP (the good and the not so good):

January...the most stressful, trying month of my life to date.  Jeremy and I separated at the end of the month.

February...I packed up my life and belongings and moved to Utah. My awesome sister's in-law filled up my first few days back in Utah (I don't know if they did it on purpose, but it was the best thing that could have happened).  Met up with my life time friend Melanie for lunch.  Took a last minute trip to Cali to see my grandparents.  Had an awesome job interview, was offered the job, but for some reason I felt it wasn't right and turned it down.  Val and Chris graciously fly me out to D.C. to spend just over a week with them and then to Arizona to be with Megan Ruth.

March... While in Arizona, Mom calls and tells me they've found a mass in my Dad's brain.  The day I fly back we meet with the doctors and Dad is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.  My sisters come home right before surgery and I ask the amazing Justin Hackworth to take pictures while we hold a family dinner.  Best decision of the YEAR!  Spent my days taking Dad from one doctor's appointment to the next.  Dad has successful brain surgery.

April... Most days spent at home helping to take care of Dad post surgery.  Ran a 5K with Val and Chris in SLC.  Went to Melanie's baby shower.  Had my first interview with Ogden Valley Science School.  We host a HUGELY successful garage sale.

May... Ran the Provo 5K with Katie.  Attended first Rooftop Concert with Andy and Alina.  Flew to Seattle.  Spent a wonderful day with Amanda, Zoe and Alton.  Went to court the next day, upon seeing Jeremy for the first time since February, I can't stop crying.  WORST DAY EVER.  Had a lovely lunch with my Kirkland friends (I miss you all terribly)!  Flew back to Salt Lake and started my summer job as Summer Program Director for Ogden Valley Science School.

June... Moved to Eden!  Started camp and completed 3 successful weeks.  Visited my cousin, Jessica, in Bear Lake and helped with her Fight Against Cancer 5K.

Somewhere in there I planted my parents garden that Dad wanted so badly!

July... We had the BEST Smith Family 4th of July ever!  Completed 2 more successful weeks of camp.  Rob, Katie, Lincoln and Sawyer come visit me in Eden.  Threw and awesome Pioneer Day party (complete with friends from Washington who POPPED in).  Lunch with the Brough's and Dave Ullah.  Ben came from Arizona to visit me at camp in Eden.  Road trip to the Uinta's to have lunch with Dad at the trail head.

August... Finished camp and the relaxed in sunny St. George with the Burnham's.  Ran my first (and last) 1/2 marathon.  The Hartely's came to visit, we had dinner with the Burnham's.  Moved in with my little brother and family and quickly started classes at BYU.

September... Nathan came to visit just before school officially took over my life.  Dad had his first stroke, spent the night in the ER.  Had a wonderful time at my cousin's wedding.

October... Finished 2 classes, started one more.  Rooftop concert with new friend from school.  Started spending Tuesday and Thursday afternoons with my Dad = best decision of the year.  BYU football game with the Mo's and Dave Ullah. Awesome Imagine Dragons concert at Velour with Emily.

November...Spent my 31st birthday in Arizona.  Hiked around the Natural Bridge.  Caught up with my childhood friend, Jesse, after I don't know how many years.  Saw the best RV demolition derby EVER with The Guderian's, the Lindstrom's and Ben.  Dad was honored at the JCC.  First thanksgiving with my family after 6 years = I got to eat stuffing and gravy!

December...Finished classes (straight A's)!  Moved to SLC.  Spent as much time with my Dad and family as possible including Zoo lights, temple square, a fantastic birthday party for my dad and a wonderful family Christmas party.  Dinner with Val, Chris, Melanie and Mark.  Dad passed away and we spent New Year's eve as a family.


  1. I love all the "good" in there. It's all about the pendulum.

  2. What a year! You were one busy girl . . . your cup runneth over. Nice that you were able to spend Christmas with your Dad and family. :)
