Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In my Element

I started my student teaching earlier this month.  I was placed at Olympus Jr. High here in Salt Lake.  I'm REALLY liking it so far.  I completely took over teaching the 7th grade classes this week and I'll be taking over 9th as well next week.  I was a bit nervous and worried how to switch from one teacher who has a different classroom management style than I prefer, but I just laid down the law for my 7th graders and they seem to be going along with it.

Today, my third day in charge, my mentor teacher left on a field trip.  I felt completely at ease and in control.  Each day this week, as I've began class I have just had a feeling like I'm in my element.  It's an awesome feeling.  It's not just feeling capable, but a reassurance that I'm doing the right thing.  I love that.

One of my new favorite words is Skelitive.  On Monday I did a little pre-assessment activity, and one kid listed under the different body systems- Skelitive.  It was classic. 

My biggest challenge, is doing all the details of my lesson plans.  I have great, big ideas.  But putting forth all the effort in the details to make the big ideas happen.... is a bit painful.  It's been that way my whole life.  Hopefully one day it will get easier... or I'll find a teacher who likes to collaborate AND who is good at details.  In the meantime, my Mom has offered to help (Perk #289 for living with my Mom).

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear it's going so well Abbie! That's great. You really are an amazing teacher!!
