Sunday, September 4, 2011

Super Cute Sunday

So today I ventured outside my comfort zone and went to church at a Young Single Adult ward.  And I was pleasantly surprised.  While I don't really feel like a young single adult anymore, it was good to be at church with that crowd. 

When I was still an undergraduate we used to call the first Sunday of any semester "Super Cute Sunday".  It's your chance to make a first impression with just how cute you are.  While I laughed to myself getting ready super early this morning (who gives YSA's a start time of 8:30?) about having to go through a Super Cute Sunday again, I realized that I really just wanted to be at church to feel uplifted, not to impress anyone.  That was a good feeling, and erased any apprehension I had about going to church.

This week was hard.  I love being at school.  I felt like a chicken with my head cut off, running around aimlessly trying to figure our exactly what I need to have done and when the best time to do it is.  I didn't feel really grounded or sane.  I think that put me in a mental state that when I faced a few triggers this week (a random picture of Jeremy and I popping up, a classmate making a comment about the permanent and eternal nature of marriages, assigned readings talking about unconditional love) I didn't cope very well.  Lots of tears.  Lots of doubting.  Lots of feeling alone, isolated and that I don't quite belong.

That is why church was so good today.  My circumstances haven't changed from this week to this morning.  But I felt peace.  And that is all I wanted from being at church.  My prayer was answered... as it always is!


  1. Yay!

    Though we called the first Sunday, "meat market" Sunday. :)

  2. Haha! I totally remember those Sundays, but I wasn't witty enough to call them that! What the other girls need to learn from you is that you managed to look super cute without worrying about it!

  3. You look great! I hope church was great. And yeah for surviving through your first week of school. :)

  4. Well you DO look super cute!!!! As always.
