Monday, September 26, 2011

Part 2

Blogger is finicky sometimes... it didn't post my whole post.  So here is the rest of the story...

My sister's email helped me through to the weekend, where I thought going to the temple would bring me some peace.  Unfortunately my trip to the temple, just caused more and more crazy headiness (technical term I promise) because my name on my recommend does not match the name in the computer.  Needless to say I had to explain the whole divorce and legal name change a few times, ending in the Temple recorders office, before they let me in.  But I made it in, a little bit a peace came.

But Sunday my head was still spinning.  And I went to church fasting for one thing: A calm mind.  Once again Heavenly Father showed to me clearly he is aware of me through the testimonies of others and the lesson in Relief Society.  See, back in April President Packer gave a talk on the Holy Ghost.  He shared a story, which included the phrase "Leave it Alone".  That phrase alone has helped me through some possible sticky situations with the divorce the last six months.  But for some reason the last month, the phrase had escaped my daily affirmations in my head.  Until, I opened the Ensign, and turned to the lesson for the day... it was President Packers talk.  Tears just started to flow (see I cry at everything).  Those words were meant for me.  I once again read his final statement:

If you are carrying some burden, forget it, let it alone. Do a lot of forgiving and a little repenting, and you will be visited by the Spirit of the Holy Ghost and confirmed by the testimony that you did not know existed. You will be watched over and blessed—you and yours. This is an invitation to come unto Him.
I was quickly reminded by the Spirit that I needed to forgive myself for what happened and press forward.  I need to "Leave it Alone"

So the point of my last 2 posts is this:  Heavenly Father knows each of you.  He knows what we need.  He's aware of us, no matter where or what we may be doing.  And most importantly for me right now: He is very much aware of Jeremy and has prepared people and ways for him to come back to the gospel.  That brings me Peace of Mind!


  1. I love your thoughtsvand posts. Thank you! They bring me peace and help me feel closer to you even tho we live far away.

  2. I'm sorry to hear it's been a rough few weeks. I'm always here for you and always thinking of you!!!!!!!! You are in my prayers daily. Thanks for the post. I needed to hear that tonight. :)
