Monday, August 29, 2011


First day of school... I should have taken a picture (instead you get to see a really bright photo of my graduation 10 years ago).  I felt just as excited as I always do going to school.  I loved waiting for the bus in the early morning. I loved wading through the sea of students percolating through campus finding their way to class.  I loved the enthusiasm my professors exuded.  I loved helping a few freshman find their way to the right buildings.  And I loved treating myself to some BYU creamery ice cream while I waited for my bus home.

It felt really great to be back on campus.  I felt at home.  Some people use the word home very strictly.  Home to me is any place I feel at peace being myself.  BYU is one of those places!  Do you have any places like that for you?

I've only got 2 semesters.  This Fall I'm taking 17 credits full of botany, teaching methods, tecnology for teachers, adolescent development, content area literacy, lab safety, teaching students with disabilities, and multicultural education.  It's going to be a BUSY semester.  Then in the Winter semester I do my student teaching!  It will fly by fast.  I'm excited for all that I'm going to learn.  And I'm excited for the opportunities going back to school will open up for me.

I really hope you and your children all have an exciting first few days of school!

1 comment:

  1. so excited that you're excited!!!!!!! I sometimes miss going to school- I'm a bit jealous of all the learning that you get to do! Have fun!
