Tuesday, February 15, 2011


You pronounce it like abalone (the sea snail) but instead of 'aba' you use 'abbie': abbielone.

In the summer of 2000 I left the security of the Wasatch Mountains and ventured to the constant waves of the Pacific Ocean in the Monterey Bay. It was the second time in my life that I went out on a grand adventure by myself (the first time was moving to school in Idaho). I was nervous, and timid but determined to live this adventure to the fullest because my dream was coming true; I was becoming a marine biologist.

I spent those few months immersed in all things marine... tide pooling, kayaking, scuba diving, dissecting, collecting and eating. I've never been so happy and content with life as I did those few months. I slept on a cot with my sleeping bag in the living room with 2 other girls (plus 2 others in the bedroom) of the apartment we rented together. We ate dinner on a card table. We had some blow up plastic chairs. Life was simple and FULL!

Remember the movie Sabrina?  Well, Monterey is my Paris.  I've always felt I found my self while living there. 

I'm not sure who said it first or when it was bestowed upon me, but for most of that summer I was known as "Abbielone" and to this day friends from that adventure and friends since still call me Abbielone. I think it's fitting. 
I'm now starting a new adventure in life. One I never imagined: divorced at age 30, without a job, living in my parents basement; but I am. While I still wade through bouts of sadness, loss, insecurity, doubt, loneliness, and confusion; I keep remembering my time in Monterey. Life is an adventure to be lived to its fullest. And that's what I intend to do.

I intend to live life as Abbielone


  1. I hope going forward you will be able to feel that kind of life again, Abbielone. Always remember those days - they will sustain through the darker ones. Here's to a very full wonderful life ahead of you!!
    Love you always!

  2. You're an example and inspiration to us all! I can't wait to follow the adventures of abbielone!

  3. Love you, Abbie!!! Thanks for coming and hanging out with us. Remember, you are never alone. We love you!

  4. We love you and pray for you Abbie. Everything will fall into place somehow. I'm glad you started this blog. I'm excited to follow it. I'm glad to have you live closer! :) Hang in there!

  5. I'm so sorry Abbie. Thank you for sending me word about abbielone. Very inspiring! I know you will make the best of everything. Love from AZ.

  6. PS - One time we went abalone diving, well Spencer did, and he totally got sea sick and barfed off the side of the boat. Good times.
