Sunday, October 23, 2011

Solid Week

Last night during dinner my friends' little 5 year old boy, Tyler, said, "It's been a solid day!"  We all got a good laugh out of it.  And Tyler inspired my post this week, because it's been a solid week!

This week started with 2 finals and one major test, and another quiz.  All by Wednesday.  I was exhausted.  My brain was DONE.  Thank goodness the rest of the week wasn't quite so busy.  This is what made my whole week solid:

Churro Cupcakes.... there's nothing like trying a new recipe the night before two finals.  It was a good stress reliever.

A temple trip... now that two class are done, it's real easy to just slip up to the temple after my new class on Tuesday and Thursday mornings

Watching my nephews on campus while their Mom guest lectured

A Family Party Friday night

A BYU football game with friends from my old BYU ward and our old bishop

An Imagine Dragons concert with my new friend Emily!

Here's an Imagine Dragons video:

and if you like their music, you can listen for free on their website

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I am on your blog! :D Those cupcakes were good btw. And the concert - EPIC!
