Sunday, July 24, 2011


"You and I are believers in and preachers of a glorious gospel that can deepen all human relationships now as well as projecting all relationships into eternity.  Friendships, as well as families, are forever."
~ Neal A. Maxwell, All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience

I first read this a few months ago, and in that moment, I felt the Spirit confirm that truth to me.  For some reason I had never thought about Friendships being forever, just Families.  But over the last 6 months I have depended not only on my family but also on my friends to help me through this little ruff patch of my life.  Friends near and far, Friends from grade school to newly made have given me the support and encouragement that has made all the difference. 

Today, Pioneer Day, July 24th, would have been my wedding anniversary.  I thought this month would be the hardest for me, particularly this day.  As I talked to my counselor about what would be appropriate to mark the passing of this day, we discussed what things turn my hard days into easier ones.  One major thing that helps is to connect with my friends.  So the idea to host a party was born.  I have wonderful memories of my wedding day.  I seriously loved every moment of it.  And I decided to supplement those memories with other good memories for that day.  As I thought about why a party and my vision for it, I wrote this in my journal:

July 13, 2011
"I want to thank you all for coming over tonight.  Truth be told I wanted to host a party for each of you to express how grateful I am to know each of you.  This past 7 months have been the hardest 7 months of my life.  I've learned many things about life, but one of life's lessons that has been solidified in my mind is that "FRIENDSHIPS ARE ETERNAL."  I would not have made it to this point, this significant day without the unconditional love and support you have given me.  You've been the ears that hear my heartache, the tears that fall with mine, you've been there to encourage me to continue forward with life and dreams.  You've sent countless messages to tell me you're willing to talk and listen.  You've set me straight when my thinking needed some tweaking.  And most importantly you've born your testimonies of our Saviors love and ability to heal, of Heavenly Father's constant hand in our lives.  To Him I am eternally grateful for guiding our paths in this life to intersect and stay connected!  He knew I would need each and everyone of you.  And to each of you I am eternally grateful that you were willing to mourn with me, to comfort me and to bare some of my burdens.  So here's to you my eternal Friends!"

Friends have always been extremely important to me, and this year I learned why.  I needed you and you were there.

  Thank You.


  1. Abbie, you are one of my absolute favorite people! I so wish we could've been there, but know we were thinking of you. Love you!

  2. So so glad that we are friends! what a great quote. I'm grateful i know you. i feel like the closest moments we have shared have been over heartache. while i wouldn't wish for it (the ache), i'm grateful for your friendship.

  3. I'm so glad I was able to make it to your party. Van had fun with your nephews, we should arrange for a play date. Also, let me know if you want to come to St. George. The offer's still on the table (10th-14th). Love you!

  4. I love and miss you oh SO much!!! Wish so badly I could have been at your party but at least I "popped" up! :) and was most certainly thinking of you!
