Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Portion Control

Let me preface this post with: I know that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing and doesn't really need to learn what I'm about to say...

Since Sunday morning I've been thinking that I would like to have a sit down with Heavenly Father and teach him about portion control.  You know the drill.  One should only eat so much.  But what I'd like to tell Heavenly Father is that One person can only take so much in the way of trials.  Or I should really be specific and say that I can only take so much. 

My family found out this weekend that my Dad has a brain tumor. When I told Valerie she said, "Can you take any more?"  to which I replied, "No."  Right after that phone call I was sitting with Megan Ruth and she said, "Just when you think your plate is full, Heavenly Father makes it bigger."  That really wasn't what I wanted to hear.  But today I learned it's true.  The Neurosurgeon hasn't given a very favorable long term outlook for my Dad's life.  And suddenly I learned that the plate just keeps getting bigger.

If in the picture above Green = Trials and Orange = Blessings, I feel like Heavenly Father has put me on "The Diet" and in reality I wish I had the "Extra Ordinary".  I could deal with that... it even has more trials than blessings but seems a bit more even.  I don't know what all the other colors would represent.

In reality I know I'm extremely blessed and in fact have more blessings then I deserve.  Those include... an incredible family, an amazing Father, and all of you.  And ultimately knowing that we have a loving Heavenly Father who watches over us through all of these trials and a Savior to help carry the burdens we are called upon to carry gives me peace and comfort.  And knowing that already means the Orange portion of my plate consumes the Green portion.  For that I am thankful!


  1. Abbie, I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. We'll be keeping all of you in our prayers.

  2. "SMACK"...that's the sound of your post hitting me in the face. Man, that sucks. I'm so sorry. Let me know if there is anything I can do. You're in our prayers.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. Notwithstanding the prognosis -- never forget that God is a God of miracles -- and miracles happen, even if the miracle is that your plate gets bigger, that your capacity grows, and that, in looking to the Savior, you find the strength to face the things before you.

    Love you Abbie -- you'll all be in my prayers.

  4. You are strong, you amaze me! Miss you.

  5. Oooh, I like how you put this. You're so smart, Abbie. That's why I like you. :) Plus you make awesome cupcakes.
