Sunday, August 7, 2011


This past week I've been pondering the ideas of contraction and expansion.  While reading a book called Perfectly Yourself by Matthew Kelly I came upon this statement:

"Discipline is a contraction that produces an expansion"

To contract is to make smaller or to condense.  Expansion is to increase in size or volume; to spread out.  Expansion is an antonym for contraction.  If they mean opposite things then HOW can it be?

When I thought about it through the lens of discipline, I quickly came up with examples from my life.  For instance right before my senior year of high school, our athletic trainer gave our soccer team a training schedule to follow during the summer to keep up in shape.  I followed that to a T.  Even while vacationing at my grandparents in California.  I felt the best I ever felt that season.  When we started practices I noticed I could run faster and longer without getting tired.  My ability to run expanded.

While driving to work the other morning I realized discipline isn't the only contraction that can produce an expansion.  Everyday we are faced with moments of contraction, that if we allow can produce expansion.  Expansion of our faith, our hope, empathy, gratitude, our view of life, the things we dream of or think possible, our self worth and charity. 

Currently divorce has been trying to contract on  me, to make me feel smaller to condense my view of life and myself.  I've struggled (and still struggle) with who I am and the way I see myself.  I lost bits of my identity... being a wife, becoming a mother soon, serving with the young women etc.  It all happened so fast that for awhile I didn't quite feel like myself, I didn't recognize the person I saw staring back at me in the mirror.  With the help of family, friends, a skilled counselor and the Spirit I've been able to use this contraction to produce expansion in my life. 

I'm grateful for this momentary contraction that has expanded my faith in and understanding of Christ's Atonement.  My relationship with and trust in Heavenly Father and his love for me has grown exponentially.  I have a greater capacity to empathize with others.  I have more gratitude for the people in my life.  I have gained new hopes and dreams.  I believe and trust myself more. 

I don't think any of that would be possible to have without experiencing some sort of contraction.  I think they key is in how we respond to the contractions we are given.  I'm choosing to expand.


  1. Yay! Yay for the choices you are making in every aspect of your life. Yay for your profound and thoughtful posts that make me a better person. Yay!

  2. Abbie, I always love when you post something. You are such an amazing person and the way you are choosing to handle this hard time in life is an inspiration to me, as I'm sure it is to many others. Miss you and hope you have an excuse to come see us again soon!
