Friday, March 18, 2011


boring situation: a routine procedure, situation, or way of life that has become uninteresting and tiresome

The beginning of this week I felt like I was stuck in a rut. But I didn't really know that is what I was feeling.  As I was taking Max The Dog (as my nephews affectionately call him) for a run in the field by my house, I was finding it hard to stay out of the ruts.  And I started to contemplate how much easier it is to stay out of a rut when you are on the higher ground and can see them.  And also how hard it is to get out of the rut once you are in it. 

My life isn't necessarily boring right now... because there is plenty of drama happening.  However, my thoughts about my life were stuck in a rut.  But as the week closes, there are a few pieces of inspiration that have helped me climb out of this weeks rut, and I'd like to share them with you!

First, I'm redoing my room to give me a fresh outlook... 

Today I get to hang out with my Dad.  We'll be running errand (finding a home for Max the Dog to stay in outside now that it's warming up) and I'll be sitting in the waiting room while he does some MRI's.  I'll have plenty of time to contemplate what to do next with life.  And this song lifted my spirits!

When you find you are in a rut... what gets you out? 


  1. Very good, thought provoking question! As I've thought it over...I've decided that for me, music helps, but identifying that I'm in a rut helps -- and writing. I write. One time, it was only one word -- but it changed my entire outlook, so that I could move on.
    Love you bunches!

  2. Cleaning. Weird, I know.

    Let me know if you want company when you go to IKEA. Spencer's on spring break this week so I could leave the boys!
