Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I had this thought pop in my mind while I was reading my scriptures the other morning.  It has nothing to do with what I was reading, so I'm taking it as pure inspiration to carry me through the next few days.

The Spirit whispered to me, "You can still be happy.  In fact you can be happier than you ever have been.  Because you have to go through the bad to know the good." 

I thought for a minute about that, and had to agree with the Spirit.  It's doctrinally based after all.  Adam and Eve ate of the fruit, and had to pass through sorrow that they might know good (happiness) from evil (unhappiness).  Plus remember that when Alma recounts his conversation story he said, "my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!"

While I was soaking up the Arizona sun a few weeks ago with Megan Ruth and Erik, Megan talked to me about life as a pendulum.  She said that I might feel like I'm way over on one side (the not so fun side of life), but that at some point it has to swing back to the other side (the fun side).  I think the principle fits well here.  And if I add the two together, it means it's going to swing back to me "joy as exceeding as was pain!"

And then the more I think about it, the more I know that I can feel that joy now, even during my pain!  It's called remembering my blessings and living life with gratitude.  So I might buy this poster to hang in my newly decorated room (pictures of the room to come as soon as I finish and find space for all of my stuff)!

(buy it here)

PS.  It's actually difficult to find an image of a pendulum because there is a band called Pendulum.  Who Knew?!

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