Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I almost titled this blog post as "Lucky" but I know these things aren't luck, they are blessings from above!

I am completely blessed to be living with my little brother, Andy, my sister-in-law, Alina and my nephew, Danny.  They graciously opened their home to me. 

Alina, Andy, Danny camping self-portrait

I never thought my little brother would be the one helping me out.  But it doesn't surprise me.  We've been good friends since we were little.  Andy was the one I ran to when I came home in January trying to make sense of what was happening in my life.  We used to go on Sunday drives together and just sing and talk.  I am truly blessed to have him as my brother and friend.

Andy and I Oak City Canyon on a Sunday Drive

Alina is awesome.  She put up with Andy and I deciding to do a "juice fast" my first week living in their house.  PLUS, she cooks me dinner every night.  I leave around 5:45 every morning and spend all day at school.  It is so nice to come home and have something to eat.  BYU vending is getting way too much of my change these days, so having a home cooked meal at night is wonderful.  Alina also loves live music and has gone to a few concerts with me this summer.  It's nice to have a girl friend to hang out with and talk to in person.

Camera Fun before going to bed
And then there's Danny.  Though I think the novelty of having me live in his house has worn off for him, I'm still loving it.  As evidenced by the pictures we took together last night.  I'm also enjoying 'racing' him to eat his food, when he's having a hard time focusing and taking the required amount of bites to leave the table.  He says the funniest things and is always wanting to play pretend.  He's always saying, "Why don't you pretend to be the princess and I'll pretend to be the (pirate, prince, dragon)"  And nothing beats the kiss and hug before bedtime!

Thank you Andy, Alina and Danny for sharing your home with me!  I love each of you (and the little one who is coming soon!)

1 comment:

  1. We are blessed to have you with us, Abbie. You are a sunshine to be around. Plus, I'm so happy I have someone else that can play pretend with Danny besides me :).
