Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lunch Date

So here's a picture of my Lunch Date.  We have lunch everyday together.  I sit on a log and eat my sandwich (made with my homemade bread) and he laps his lunch out of the feeder. Laps, not sucks, because humming birds don't suck up nectar, their reallllllllly long tongue laps it up! (There's your natural history lesson for the day.)

He's more than a lunch date.  He visits multiple times a day.  If he's not at the window, I know where his favorite perch spots are.  And I know he's somewhere nearby when I here is little high pitched buzz flying around.

This is a Black Chinned Humming Bird.  He's quite a bully actually.  I used to have a Broad Tailed, or Caliope Humming Bird stopping by too, but he now chases them off.  I might have to add a few more feeders for all of them.

This first week of camp is almost over.  Time sure flies by fast.  I got to actually go play a game with the kids during some down time.  That was fun.  I'll have to try doing that more often!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Summer Home

Last Thursday I stayed for the first night in my "Summer Home" (thanks for the name idea, Alicia!).  I love it.  I love Ogden Valley, it's beautiful! 

My place was part of my job offer.  It's a great space, and much more than I'll ever use.  So if you want to come visit, please do.  I'll only be here until August 9th and I have two extra bedrooms and bathrooms.

I have to admit that I'm liking having my own "house" again.  Playing house is fun.  I made bread last night for the first time since December; it felt awesome.  Creating is definitely a divine quality we all have and brings me so much joy. 

Here's a picture of my new office.  Thankfully it's not covered in snow right now.  I sit at my desk working on curriculum and plans for the coming weeks with views in every direction.  Today my boss walked in and caught me sitting at my desk looking out my binoculars toward the humming bird feeder.  Every time the little bird shows up and I pick up my binoculars it flies away.  So I decided to sit there for awhile with them already up and hope the bird came back.  I'm still working on it's name, I'm sure I'll get it ID'd tomorrow.

I'm loving my job so far.  It's so fun to help make this camp happen.  I've usually been on the teaching end of these programs, but to be the Director is a whole new experience.  One I've always wanted.  I really needed to take this job.  It means a lot to me both personally and professionally.  It's awesome.  I do miss actually teaching the kids, but I love the experiences I actually have with them.  For instance I made the walk up the road to the bathroom, but I didn't know quite where it was.  When I finally spotted it, I realized I had to bushwhack my way to it since I took a wrong turn.  So I was approaching thru the bushes and got to over hear a boy exclaim, "This is the best day of my life!"  Can't beat that for job satisfaction!  I just hope I can help facilitate experiences that make at least one kid exclaim that each day!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011